
Owen {9 months old}

Our wonderful friends and their 9-month-old son came to stay with us this past weekend. We had a BLAST! We went to parks, spent a day downtown Chicago to visit the Shedd, and of course spent most of the time just in enjoying time together.

This little handsome dude is so expressive. He has a HUGE smile that makes you smile the second you see it. His baby-blues are so bright and beautiful. Of course I had buy a hat to take some photos :)
He loves to bring others joy. Wherever we would go, everyone would notice him and smile. He would play peek-a-boo with anyone around him. And just be content with being held.
His parents met in college and became friends, fell in love, and are happily married. It is so obvious their son brings them joy, but through it all, they have each other.

Thank you for a wonderful weekend and sharing your family with us! We miss you guys being near us but look forward to the next time we see you!

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