The story beings with freshman year geometry class in high school. Yup. Classic start to a love story! Girl looks back and sees boy. Girl doesn't like math and sees boy with friends and thinks, "I can get some help with homework" and goes over to group of people to meet them. Thus the story begins.....

We became friends and had that awkward, "define the relationship" conversation at the State Science Fair at the beginning of our freshman year. We both liked each other but we were 15 and the household rule for my family was no dating til 16. So on my 16th birthday he asked me to be his girlfriend in the birthday card. Yes....I still have that card 10 years later.

After that, we survived high school by joining marching band. He had played trumpet, but since my primary instrument was violin, I joined the percussion section and we had a great group of friends to go through classes and 3 years of marching band with. At the end of our senior year, we were both given an award for our leadership in band and orchestra :)

During senior year, we went to Mexico together to an orphange with our church. It would be the first of three mission trips we would take together to this time (Germany, Guatemala). In Mexico we fell in love with the kids and one girl in particular blessed us with her smile and energy.

We dressed up for PROM and went to dinner and a show a local theater which was really fun! We graduated from high school and was ready to tackle the the next chapter!

We didn't tell each other where we applied to colleges, but we each were accepted to the same college and enjoyed being at the same campus together! I started a very busy Pre-Med Biology major and Matt had his hands full with his MIS (computer) major. Of course we took plenty of time to hang out with friends and have fun too!

We stayed active in music during school which included several traveling trips. I took a job as a nursing assistant at a hospital during school and Matt graduated early and started working in his field.

One day as I was studying in my dorm, Matt got my attention and said he had a gift for me. I said, "Ooh, i have one for you too!". I went to the closet and pulled out a Target bag with pants hangers. Yes, you heard right. He had wanted some so I had bought some for him! He said thanks than gave me a gift. I unwrapped it and it was a book! I opened it and he had cut through the pages and had highlighted "will you marry me?". I looked up and he was on one knee with a beautiful ring! I of course screamed, said yes....and we started a year and a half of wedding planning.

Finally the day came in June when we said "I do." To be honest, the day is a little bit of a blur. I remember bits and pieces, but mostly I just remember being so happy, so excited, and so totally thrilled to be marrying my best friend.

So, that brings us almost 4 years later into marriage, and 10 years of dating. We have moved to and from, met new friends, stayed close to old friends, graduated from grad school, and had a blast doing it. We have cried, laughed, been angry, felt lost, found the way, turned to God, had support of friends and family, and discovered the value of life. This is our saga. And the next chapter is already being written.

I love this! You two are adorable! It's ironic because I was just saying to Lawrence that we're nearly to 10 years too! We have to wait until November for our big decade celebration.
ReplyDeletecongratulation on a decade's worth of love and togetherness!